1. Create KeyCAPTCHA account and add URL of your site to site list2. Create file keycaptcha.php with CAPTCHA API implementation:
<?php if ( !class_exists('KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS') ){ class KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS { // Replace PRIVATE_KEY_HERE and USER_ID_HERE // with proper values from your keycaptcha.com account private $p_kc_private_key = 'PRIVATE_KEY_HERE'; private $p_kc_user_id = 'USER_ID_HERE'; private $c_kc_keyword = 'accept'; private $p_kc_visitor_ip = ''; private $p_kc_session_id = ''; private $p_kc_web_server_sign = ''; private $p_kc_web_server_sign2 = ''; private $p_kc_js_code = ''; public function get_web_server_sign($use_visitor_ip = 0){ return md5($this->p_kc_session_id . (($use_visitor_ip) ? ($this->p_kc_visitor_ip) :("")) . $this->p_kc_private_key); } function __construct($a_private_key='', $a_js_code=''){ if ( $a_private_key != '' ) { $this->p_kc_private_key = $a_private_key; } if ( $a_js_code != '' ) { $this->p_kc_js_code = $a_js_code; } else { $this->p_kc_js_code = "<!-- KeyCAPTCHA code (www.keycaptcha.com) --> <script type='text/javascript'> var s_s_c_user_id = '$this->p_kc_user_id'; var s_s_c_session_id = '#KC_SESSION_ID#'; var s_s_c_captcha_field_id = 'capcode'; var s_s_c_submit_button_id = 'postbut'; var s_s_c_web_server_sign = '#KC_WSIGN#'; var s_s_c_web_server_sign2 = '#KC_WSIGN2#'; </script> <script language=JavaScript src='http://backs.keycaptcha.com/swfs/cap.js'> </script> <!-- end of KeyCAPTCHA code -->"; } $this->p_kc_session_id = uniqid() . '-'; $this->p_kc_visitor_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } function http_get($path){ $arr = parse_url($path); $host = $arr['host']; $page = $arr['path']; if ( $page=='' ) { $page='/'; } if ( isset( $arr['query'] ) ) { $page.='?'.$arr['query']; } $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $fp = fsockopen ($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp){ return ""; } $request = "GET $page HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $request .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $request .= "Connection: close\r\n"; $request .= "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache\r\n"; $request .= "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"; $request .= "User-Agent: KeyCAPTCHA\r\n"; $request .= "\r\n"; fwrite ($fp,$request); $out = ''; while (!feof($fp)) $out .= fgets($fp, 250); fclose($fp); $ov = explode("close\r\n\r\n", $out); return $ov[1]; } public function check_result($response){ $kc_vars = explode("|", $response); if ( count( $kc_vars ) < 4 ){ return false; } if ($kc_vars[0] == md5( $this->c_kc_keyword . $kc_vars[1] . $this->p_kc_private_key . $kc_vars[2])){ if (stripos($kc_vars[2], "http://") !== 0){ $kc_current_time = time(); $kc_var_time = preg_split('/\/| |:/', $kc_vars[2]); $kc_submit_time = gmmktime($kc_var_time[3], $kc_var_time[4], $kc_var_time[5], $kc_var_time[1], $kc_var_time[2], $kc_var_time[0]); if (($kc_current_time - $kc_submit_time) < 15){ return true; } } else{ if ($this->http_get($kc_vars[2]) == "1"){ return true; } } } return false; } public function render_js (){ if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ) ){ $this->p_kc_js_code = str_replace ("http://","https://", $this->p_kc_js_code); } $this->p_kc_js_code = str_replace ("#KC_SESSION_ID#", $this->p_kc_session_id, $this->p_kc_js_code); $this->p_kc_js_code = str_replace ("#KC_WSIGN#", $this->get_web_server_sign(1), $this->p_kc_js_code); $this->p_kc_js_code = str_replace ("#KC_WSIGN2#", $this->get_web_server_sign(), $this->p_kc_js_code); return $this->p_kc_js_code; } } } ?>
<form method="POST" action=""> <input name="form_field"/> <?php if (!class_exists('KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS')) { // Replace /path_to_keycaptcha_file/ with real path to keycaptcha.php file include('/path_to_keycaptcha_file/keycaptcha.php'); } $kc_o = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS(); echo $kc_o->render_js(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="capcode" id="capcode" value="false" /> <input type="submit" value="Save" id="postbut" class="button" /> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['form_field'])){ if (!class_exists('KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS')) { // Replace /path_to_keycaptcha_file/ with real path to keycaptcha.php file include('/path_to_keycaptcha_file/keycaptcha.php'); } $kc_o = new KeyCAPTCHA_CLASS(); if ($kc_o->check_result($_POST['capcode'])) { // A visitor solved CAPTCHA task correctly // Add your code that will save the data of your form } else { // A visitor solved CAPTCHA task incorrectly // Add your code that will generate an error message } } ?>